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Specials - Fresh Produce

Photo of Cherry Isle Tasmanian Cherries

Cherry Isle Tasmanian Cherries

$9.95 per kg

Save $9.00
Photo of Grapes Red

Grapes Red

$6.90 per kg

Save $2.00
Photo of Grapes Green

Grapes Green

~ $6.21 per bag ($6.90 per kg)

Save $2.00
Photo of Dragonfruit


$5.99 each

Save $1.96
Photo of Daly Washed Red Potatoes

Daly Washed Red Potatoes 2kg

$5.00 each ($2.50 per kg)

Save $1.90
Photo of Watermelon Pieces

Watermelon Pieces

~ $3.00 each ($2.00 per kg)

Save 50c
Photo of Spring Onion Bunch

Spring Onion Bunch

$2.50 each

Save 30c
Photo of Harvest Moon Snackables Carrots

Harvest Moon Snackables Carrots 250g

$1.95 each

Save $1.00
Photo of Kent Pumpkin (Cut Pieces)

Kent Pumpkin (​Cut Pieces)

~ $1.76 piece ($1.95 per kg)

Save $1.55
Photo of Kiwi Fruit

Kiwi Fruit

~ $1.44 each ($12.00 per kg)

Save $1.90
Photo of Nectarines Yellow

Nectarines Yellow

~ $0.58 each ($3.90 per kg)

Save $1.00
Photo of Nectarines White

Nectarines White

~ $0.58 each ($3.90 per kg)

Save $1.00
Photo of Pinkeyes Brushed

Pinkeyes Brushed

~ $0.47 each ($3.90 per kg)

Save $1.00
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